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奥迪 A4 2002 钥匙全丢了
Audi A4 2002 all key lost, Obd or eeprom work? Autel IM508 /IM608 works? Any experience?

1. Autel IM508 /IM608: works
Yes you can do esay with autel just need pin code super chip works good for this job.
Key done no problem, id48 chip , but remote cant register.
Autel chief engineer replied: If you can’t read it, try disassembling it. Please view the menu in programmer, immobilizer->Audi, and upload the log.
Good to know: it is sure that xhorse key fob is suitable for this car.
Look at Autel IM608 available list for Audi A4 2002:

It can support add key, all keys lost and read password (Part of the models support OBD method, if not work via OBD, dismantle the immobilizer ECU to do)
2. CK100: Someone says yes
Simple 48 chip system, the old CK100 can do it easily.
3. SBB: Someone says yes
if yes you have SBB, read the PIN code, will be a ID48.
Alright, if you only have Autel IM508 /IM608 for Audi A4 2002 all key lost, try to program new key via OBD, if not, dismantle the immobilizer. If with no luck, upload the log for assistance.

If you have any questions, please contact us at sales@obd2.ltd for the fastest advice and reply.
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