Full Version: VmWare Isuzu WorldWide 2016-03 and LinkOne 2015-01 FREE for all
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VmWare12 Isuzu WorldWide 2016-03 and Isuzu LinkOne 2015-01 in Windows7-32bit FREE for all

   Size 30GB total, 18.5GB compressed (Winrar).

No passwords!

Date in virtual machine is set to 2019-04-03 and will turn when you turn off/on VM (its need to licenser).

[Image: 036227db27c4e2584457336788f4c840.jpeg]
[Image: 534eec4ffcfa899586520de35243e967.jpeg]
[Image: 73ab15ad555e201d398009bbce4771de.jpeg]
[Image: 007b3987d9e76901f68146a732085c57.jpeg]
[Image: 8d3033df956b26718ecffa9e18a2d4f5.jpeg]
[Image: 633882c925b2e5e6b1c128cf4f585282.jpeg]

Don`t forget to click "Thanks" and "Reputation"! )